5 simples steps to get your order from our factory to you
1.Contact a sales person on mobile or email
Club, School, Retail, Custom
0430 042 433 lee@pinnacle7.com.au
Bowls, RSL & Cricket
0477 434 366 campbell@pinnacle7.com.au
2.Design development
You can send through a sample of your garment for us to reproduce.
You can send through the design details for us to create your garments.
You can work with our design team to develop your garments.

3.Approve your designs
We will produce your samples and designs for approval and to finalise all details required.

4.Order Submission
Once your samples are approved, we are ready to process your order into production with your details, quantities, and timelines.
We will arrange delivery to your organisation with your chosen method.

5.Order delivery
Receive you're amazing products and enjoy our sportswear with your organisation.

Custom sportswear for Australian businesses and teams.
Pinnacle7 Pty Ltd
© 2024. All rights reserved.